agile recruitment

Podcast #Ep 5 Deanne Martin | How to build an agile recruitment process and amplify the voice of your contact centre

"I’m proud to say we’ve brought the right people into customer service who can sit at the table and talk about how we solve a UX problem or sit with HR to create new flexible working policies. When you start thinking outside of your people being just transactional to being capable to lean in and solve problems the whole landscape of you’re talent pool changes to being broader than just customer service”

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In this episode we are joined by Deanne Martin, the Head of CX at Seek.

This is a great conversation with a truly humanistic leader who talks to us about two hot topics for any contact centre.

1. The perennial challenge that is recruitment. Deanne has embraced the key tenets of agile in her recruitment process by involving the people that do the work in the decision making.

2. How to elevate the role of the contact centre to amplify the voice of the customer. This is an inflection point for any contact centre looking to play a leading role in driving the CX strategy.

I think you’ll find that Deanne is one of those rare non-conformists who has backed herself to be different with her approach to leadership and we hope this inspires you to find the non-conformist within too.