“The most valuable thing I have learnt is tracking the failure calls and feeling empowered to drive change
Ther challenge
High levels of unpredictable call and email volumes were coming their contact centre was leading to a poor member experience, through high wait time and driving up occupancy for their team.
What they did
We ran a workshop to educate the team on the concept of failure demand, these are the unnecessary interactions members where having to make because something wasn’t worked as designed.
After the first workshop six initiatives were identified to improve customer communication methods and channels and the team set up visual management to effectively tell the story, which:
Highlight the member experience over time
Showed the Failure demand types
Showed the initiatives progress in the delivery pipeline
Showcased the wins
This served as both a focal point for the team to give and receive updates and celebrate wins but also to educated stakeholders outside of the contact centre to gain support.
What they achieved
Reduce the interaction volume coming into their contact centre by uncovering the root cause of interactions, the customer demand. And then delivering the right initiatives to improve the member experience, capacity to serve and their employee experience.
Reduction in Failure Demand from 41% to 30%, the equivalent of 10 FTE.
94% of the staff agreed member focus had improved