Making meetings better with Auto & General


Like most contact centres the team have been been through a disruptive period of change since moving to remote working. The leadership team hadn’t had the time to come together and needed a simple way to talk about the issues impacting them and their teams so they could start solving them.

They uncovered that the Leaders where spending a large part of their day managing the queues and moving people around to achieve service levels. This took them away from working on improving the environment for their people.

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Using the lean coffee tool they brainstormed their key issues and prioritised as team where they should focus their time by voting. This meant they only discussed what was most important to the team and allowed them align their understanding of the problems. Now they have a simple backlog of issues to work through (a backlog is a list of ideas or initiatives in prioritised order that the team can ‘pick up’ and work on as capacity becomes available).

Lean Coffee


They then discussion what success would look like in 30 days and created some simple solutions they could start to test out with a clear set of actions and an operating rhythm to keep themselves on track, all in only 90 minutes!

The improvement kata helps teams focus on how they bridge the gap between the current state and the ideal future state without having to know exactly how to get there. This is ideal when dealing with complex problem and helps teams get started so they can deliver value and learn.

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